Fashion is quite the “look at me” industry at the best of times, however, recently we’ve seen the rise of films focusing on the industry and showcasing the interesting identities behind the scenes like the fashion editor of fictitious magazine “Runway” in “The Devil Wears Prada” and the documentary focused on Anna Wintour in “The...
Category: Culture
What are you looking at
When you see the acronym TOFF, don’t immediately assume it’s about posh British people. TOFF also stands for The Other Film Festival; Australia’s only disability film festival. The big difference with this festival is that it screens contemporary cinema by, with and about people with disabilities. Who better to understand the emotion, humour and drama...
Disband Melbourne
Ah, break ups. It can mean so many things (even though one may not see the need, logic or damn point for such a calamity at the time). Inspired by the 40th anniversary since the break-up of The Beatles, creative online hub Leeloo is launching its first Melbourne curated exhibition, Disband, and exploring the end...
Inside Outre
After four-plus years on Burton Street, Outré has outgrown its shoes and moved a few blocks over to a new gallery on Crown Street. Step into the two level showcase shop and you’ll find an unpredictable and spectacular medley of contemporary pop art; international pop, lowbrow, pop surrealism, street, tiki, modern folk, retro with a...
Smart Art fair
What defines art exactly? What makes art ‘good’ or ‘bad’? Where does artistic expression start and end? These are all big questions and should you want to discover the answers, we suggest you visit the Melbourne Art Fair to find them. This biennial fair features more than 80 selected national and international galleries, 900 artists...
Underbelly Arts Public Lab and Festival
If in Chippendale taking a stroll next to the site of the old Carlton United Brewery on Broadway later this week, you’ll bear witness to the fruits of a thriving arts precinct. More than 100 exciting experimental and emerging artists (those that flourish on collaboration and harbour a defiance of creative risk) will be developing...
Tim Burton
The master of macabre, Tim Burton is finally being paid homage with a unique exhibition at ACMI direct from MOMA. This exhibition showcases the creative journey Burton has taken from animator, producer and director of some of the most iconic and creative films of our time. His films bear a signature including gothic fantasy themes,...
The Vault: MIAF
Consider yourself to be a creative person? Perhaps you’re an artist, writer, musician, media, marketer, entrepreneur or the like? If so, you’ll need to bookmark the The Vault (a bunch of creatively inclined folk) who hold monthly get-togethers to encourage other creative’s to share and generate ideas. This month they’re showing a sneak peek screening...
Ah, break ups. It can mean so many things (even though one may not see the need, logic or damn point for such a calamity at the time). Inspired by the 40th anniversary since the break-up of The Beatles, creative online hub Leeloo is launching its second* curated exhibition Disband, and exploring the end of...
The last big experiment involving you, an ex, and a few broken objects (outside of the actual break-up) didn’t turn out so well. You’re happy to leave experimenting now to the experts and for the next twelve weeks they’ll be congregating at SuperDeluxe; part art gallery, part chill out bar, part club, and replica of...