Let’s Talk About Escapism

EscapismHave you ever thought about locking yourself in a room for fun? And not being allowed out until you’ve solved some crazy mental arithmetic? Well, if not you should seriously consider it, because it’s surprisingly fun.

Escapism is the newest interactive real life game to hit Melbourne, and we’re pretty excited about it. After doing good things in Japan, Thailand, the USA, Jakarta, and Singapore the concept has travelled down under.

Located in Strike Bowling you’ll find these dark and creepy rooms. Pick a team, (preferably smart friends), pick a theme – murder, crime fighting, or strange garden nightmare – and sign yourself up for 50 minutes of bizarre fun.

We’re not going to reveal anything that happens once you get in, that would ruin the fun, but you can expect to be a little scared, a lot confused, and forced to use your brain like never before. Along the way you’ll find hidden objects, solve riddles, crack clues, all the while watching the clock.

Practice your numbers, that’s all we’ll say. And remember that everything is a clue. Everything.

Oh, and they’ll still let you out at the end even if you can’t crack the case. Thank goodness.

$100 per room, 2-8 people
Strike Bowling QV, Melbourne 3000

About the author

Yoga teacher, writer, blogger, and marketing whiz – it’s safe to say Amy Collins is a busy little lady. Her idea of a stellar evening is yoga class followed by a glass of wine. Her favourite quote: “In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”


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